Syrian demands for Idlib


Syrian demands for Idlib
•To the United Nations
•To international organizations concerned with the defense of human rights
•To governments directly concerned with the Syrian file
We send you this message of demands based on the existence of international commitments and
commitments including the cease-fire agreements in the Idlib region. We hold the international
community and international organizations responsible for the Syrian North and especially the Idlib
Civilians and forcibly displaced from other areas of Surah gathered in a large population density in
harsh humanitarian conditions, which increases our fears of any military escalation in this region that
may have catastrophic consequences on the humanitarian level, especially on the future of Syria and
the region in general, which encourage us to ask The following demands as a temporary solution
until a political solution is reached in Syria in which the solutions are within a general context that
includes all Syria with frameworks of national sovereignty and under the supervision of the future
Syrian national government.
To dissolve the Sham Liberation Organization and all military factions with religious authority in
Syria’s hands and to remove all foreign fighters from Syrian territory and to bring all those who
committed a crime from the factions’ factions to competent judicial councils while ensuring the
protection of civilians from any aggression by the regime and its allies and obliging the guarantor
countries to carry out any military action against These areas, which have become in a state of
anticipation and tension and the handover of cadres and the Syrian elite of civil society management
of these areas to form a civil administration includes elected local councils and cooperation with civil
activities and administrative and scientific capabilities of the forces of alum Endodontic and women
to actually improve the service and the standard of living and management of service institutions
and emphasize the need for the formation of a judicial organ of dissident judges to be the nucleus of
the judiciary in northern Syria and a criminal police seize security and preserve the social peace of
defectors from the judiciary and the police.
Activating human rights and humanitarian institutions and supporting women and children to
guarantee the rights of Syrians and Syrians. We believe that the achievement of these matters is an
integrated path to avoid any deterioration in the Idlib region on the political, social, security and
humanitarian level and we insist on the need to start it. We affirm that the people of the region are
capable of achieving security, and that the Syrian north becomes the nucleus of a new Syria free from
the face of tyranny and extremism.
1. السوريين تكتل_ Syrian Bloc_ Bloc des syriens
2. الديمقراطي للتغيير سوريا إعالن __ Déclaration de Syrie pour le changement démocratique
3. الديمقراطي االسوري الوطني التحالف __Alliance démocratique nationale syrienne
4. الوطن أجل من متحدون __ Unis pour la patrie
5. السوري الديمقراطي التجمع __ Rassemblement Démocratique Syrien
6. السوري الوطني التحالف_ Syrian National Democratic Alliance_ Alliance démocratique nationale
7. السياسية النسوية الحركة_ Syrian Women’s Political Movement _ Mouvement féministe politique
8. السورية المرأة شبكة_ Syrian women Network_ Réseau des femmes syriennes
9. الديمقراطية اآلثورية المنظمة_ Assyrian Democratic Organisation (ADO)_ L’Organisation démocratique
10. مواطنة تيار __ Mouvement Citoyenneté
11. الوطني الشرقية لتجمع السياسية الهيئة __ Bureau politique du rassemblement national de la région de
12. الحسكة محافظة في الثورة لقوى الوطني التحالف __ Alliance nationale pour les forces de la révolution de
13. السوري الوطني التحالف __Alliance nationale syrienne
14. الديمقراطيين السوريين حركة __ Mouvement des démocrates syriens
15. ضمير حركة__ Mouvement Damir
_Committee Leading. SDPP_ حزب الشعب الديمقراطي السوري ) هيئة القيادة المؤقتة ( .16
17. أحرار_ Liberals- Working Group for Syria_ Ahrar
18. سوريا مستقبل نواة) __Nawat) Noyau pour l’avenir de la Syrie
19. الديمقراطيين السوريين حركة_ Syrian democratic movement_ Mouvement des démocrates syriens
20. التكنوقراط المستقلين حركة__ Mouvement des indépendants et technocrates
21. الوطني دمشق ميثاق __ Charte Nationale de Damas

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