Internal Regulations
Internal Regulations of the Syrians’ Bloc
Definition of the Bloc:
It is a national political bloc that combines individuals and groups that share the values of freedom, dignity and democracy away from any domination or control by external and foreign powers in addition to the belief in one Syria state with full sovereignty on all its territory; it is a democratic civil state in which equality and citizenship are realized for all its people from all components of the Syrian people.
The Goals of Bloc:
The bloc works to achieve the goals that are set in its charter. The charter of the bloc is considered to be the basic guide for the work of the bloc, its policy and vision.
Bodies of the Bloc:
A-The General Conference
B- The Control Committee
C- The Finance Committee
D- The Management of the Bloc
E- The Competent Committees
F- The sub- offices
The General Conference:
The general conference is considered the highest body in the bloc. The ordinary general conference is convened once a year, and exceptionally whenever necessary based on the decision of the management or at the request of one third of the members, provided that the invitation is given two months before the date of the meeting. The convening of the conference is considered legitimate when fifty plus one of the members are present, and its decisions are considered in force.
The Functions of the General Conference:
1- Discussing and approving the reports of the bloc management, and which are presented to the conference.
2- Discussing and approving the reports of the control committee.
3- Discussing and approving the annual work plan.
4- Electing members of the bloc management.
5- Electing members of the control committee and the finance committee.
6- The members of the general conference are:
a- members of the bloc management
b- persons elected from the sub-offices
The invitation could be sent to:
a- honorary members and friends whom the bloc management sees important and necessary to attend the conference
b- guests of the conference and their proportion and number are determined by the agreement between the members of the bloc management.
The Management of the Bloc
The management of the bloc consists of 21 members: a chairman of the bloc and a deputy chairman in addition to 19 members elected by the general conference.
Responsibilities of the Management of the Bloc:
1- implement the goals and the work plan of the bloc;
2- strengthen relations with associations, organizations and parties in a way that supports the revolutionary movement and the democratic heading of the bloc;
3- submit reports about their work to the general conference;
4- prepare and convene the general conference of the bloc;
5-manage the budget and property of the bloc;
6-represent the bloc in the international forums;
7-select members of the competent committee;
8-elect the chairman of the bloc and his/her deputy and the executive council which consists of the chairman, his deputy and five members through direct and secret election by members of the bloc leadership.
The management of the bloc hold periodical weekly or half-monthly or exceptional meetings when one third of the members call for a meeting. The meeting of the management is considered legal with the present members. The decisions issued shall be considered valid by the votes of the majority of the present members. They are legal unless they have been revoked by the majority of the absent members within 24 hours following publication on WhatsApp public chart room or on Facebook. In case of an apology or exit of a member of the management, the management calls for filling the vacancy by direct election of the bloc members.
The Competent Committee:
Members of the committees are members from the Syrians’ Bloc either nominated personally or have been nominated by other members or advisers from outside the bloc added by the management provided that the number of the members of the committee are between seven and eleven and may be increased after the approval of the management to the committee’s proposal in regard to this respect.
1-The Organizational Committee:
It is divided to an organizational committee inside Syria and an organizational committee outside Syria provided that it works according to the appropriate mechanism in order to:
-Approval of new members of the bloc.
-Proposing to open branches of the bloc in the area that the bloc sees appropriate for work.
-Supervision of all branches’ work organizationally.
-Developing plans and strategies to expand and spread the bloc.
-Managing the identity records of the bloc members and its leaders according to the rules of administrative records.
2-The Committee of Public and External Relations:
The public relations committee undertakes the tasks of communicating with national and democratic forces, parties and with the political blocs and events. It organizes a public relations campaign related to the Syrian affairs. It also communicates with other important bodies in local, Arab or international civil organizations and influential observers in the decision-making process. It also communicates extensively with the blocs or parties that have alliance documents with the bloc. Emanating from it is a communication committee interested in following up the work and coordination with the other Syrian blocs and trends.
3-The Finance Committee:
The finance committee shall be responsible for opening a bank account supervised by at least three members. It organizes paper and electronic accounts for all banking operations, deposits and withdrawals in addition to transferring the costs to the concerned authority. No financial process shall be moved except by an official decision by the master exchange order. This excludes amounts of money that do not exceed 100 Euros provided that the sum shall be documented with regular invoices or bills. The finance committee is elected by the general conference, provided that its work shall be supervised by the control committee, and it should submit a financial report every three months to the management and at any time upon the request of the control committee.
4-The Media Committee:
The media committee will set up an integrated media project that aims at disseminating the thinking and objectives of the bloc.
It also sets up an official website for the bloc, which is the only authority that is specialized to publish statements and official papers issued by the bloc. The media committee also puts scenarios for the opening of other sites and other news pages. It also puts plans for activities related to the general political, social and cultural affairs and it seeks to expand its media activities through deliberate and targeted activities.
5-The Office of Public Liberties:
Its mission is to protect public freedom and to cooperate with legal and jurist offices to prosecute criminals and perpetrators of violations against the Syrian people both in Syria and in the country of migration.
6-The Legal Committee:
Its task is to develop legal studies and to discuss any proposed draft to the constitution in addition to international laws related to the Syrian cause in order to express its opinion in them but it has to choose two members from the control and transparency committee.
7- The Control and Transparency Committee:
-The committee is elected directly through the general conference.
-Its task is restricted to following up the performance of the bloc management, the work of the committees and to control the financial expenditure of the bloc. Its task is also to control the financial resources of the bloc coming from donations, contributions, etc. It shall be also responsible for auditing and preparing reports to the general conference.
-The control committee shall have the right to call the general conference for a meeting in exceptional cases when it sees that the management of the bloc has committed financial excesses which do not wait for the postponement until the date of the general conference. The control committee has the right to request reports about the work of any committee without reference to the management of the bloc.
8-Women Empowerment Committee:
It works to represent Syrian women in various forums and to organize activities and events to ensure the return of Syrian women to work and influence in all aspects of political, economic, and social life by:
– Working to increase the participation of women to ensure taking their views on any issue or case.
-Working to spread education about the rights of the woman.
– Working to ensure a logical rate of not less than 30% for women’s participation in any official Syrian institution.
– working to push for effective participation of women in the process of a just and sustainable peace.
– Supporting Syrian women in countries of asylum.
9- The Political Committee:
Its task is to develop and implement the political action mechanism in addition to issuing statements about important events after referring to the executive office of the management.
The Sub-Offices:
They consist of offices similar to the central committees overseen by the sub-administrative offices which submit quarterly reports to the management of the bloc.
1- Every Syrian, who is over the age of 18, at home or abroad, is entitled to apply for membership in the bloc.
2-The applicant for membership has to believe in the principles, objectives and general heading of the bloc and he/she has to work to achieve them through peaceful and democratic means.
3-The application for membership shall not be accepted before the competent authority approves his/her application and informs him/her of its decision within one month after submitting the application.
4-The General Conference is entitled to nominate or accept honorary members or consultants in the bloc or friends without the right for nomination and election and without paying contributions, with the acceptance of donations from them.
5-Other political blocs or entities can join the Syrian bloc or sign memorandums of understanding with it, on three levels:
-Fully joining the bloc through the adoption of all the papers of the bloc, and there will be a distribution of members on the committees of the bloc and its offices, each according to the field of specialization as of the date of joining the bloc.
-Agreements to join the bloc signed with entities that carry main objectives and principles that do not violate those of the bloc and wish to retain their entities to be represented as a legal personality in the bloc according to memorandum signed by the two sides.
-Memorandum of coordination and alliance signed with the entities that correspond with the bloc on the main lines of interest of Syria and the common goal is to achieve administrative and regulatory stability to cross towards the state of law and citizenship.
Honorary Membership:
The management of the bloc is entitled to grant “honorary membership” for a Syrian or non-Syrian personality within the bloc.
Honorary membership does not entail to adhere to public activities, rights or duties like the rights and duties of the ordinary member.
Duties of the Member:
1- Commitment to the implementation of the internal regulation and the implementation of the decision of the bloc bodies.
2-Serious participation in achieving the objectives of the bloc and its work plan.
3-Work on joining new members to the bloc.
Member Rights:
1-The right with the nomination to all bodies of the bloc.
2-The right to vote and elect all bodies of the bloc.
3-Participation in the discussion of the bloc reports presented to the general conference.
4-The member, to whom a decision of disengagement has been issued, is entitled to submit an objection in writing to the bloc management within one month of informing him of the decision of dismissal.
This application of objection will be submitted to the general conference in case a decision has not been taken by the bloc management.
5-The general conference is entitled to re-grant membership when the reasons that have called for dismissal have disappeared.
6-The member is entitled to request the confidentiality of his membership in the bloc, especially for members inside Syria.
Loss of Membership:
A Member of the bloc loses his membership in the following cases:
1- If he submits a written request announcing his withdrawal from the bloc.
2-In the case of his deviation from the objectives of the bloc and its work plan.
3-In the case of carrying out activities or actions that harm the motherland or the country of residence or the reputation of the bloc.
4-The decision of dismissal from membership of bloc is the right of the leadership of the bloc after conducting a systematic investigation with the concerned member and it is up to them to determine the format and levels of publication after informing the concerned.
General Principles:
1- The electoral period for all bodies in the bloc shall be for two full years.
2- The election shall be conducted by secret ballot.
3- All decisions of the management in the bloc are taken by a majority of the votes. If the number of votes is equal, the president’s vote is likely to decide, and the formula of consensus will remain the favorite one.
4- In the absence of the head of the bloc or his withdrawal or in cases of his inability for health reasons, his deputy shall replace him to lead the bloc pending the election of a new president.
5- The internal regulation shall be amended with the approval of two thirds of the members of the general conference.
6- Members of the leadership of the bloc have the right to nominate for two electoral periods at most, provided that 25% of the new leadership have to be from the previous leadership.
7-Members of the bloc leadership cannot participate in any transitional government, either in the name of the bloc or as independent members, provided there is a written commitment by the members.
8- Achieving the strategic goals of the bloc is considered the time limit for the existence of the bloc politically.
9-The management of the bloc has the right to make changes in the internal regulation such as the establishment of committees according to the public interest in a way that does not contradict with the objectives of the bloc after the agreement of 70% of the members of the management to make these changes.
10- Membership in the Syrians’ Bloc does not contradict with belonging to any other political stream whose principles do not contradict the papers and goals of the bloc.