Finance Committee

Working document and tasks of the Finance Committee

The functions of the Finance Committee are as follows:

1. Funding

2. Expenditure

1. Funding:

Based on the principle of non-dependence on political or material dependence, we divided the funding into three stages:

First :

Foundation stage:

Funding depends on the founding members either through contributions or contributions or both.

* Monthly subscriptions:

– For residents and workers in Europe the amount of 30 euros

– For residents outside Europe or within non-working countries: EUR 15

– Unable: 0 Euro


– For members, each according to his ability and ability.

Second :

Deployment phase:

A stage that comes after the announcement of the birth of the bloc.

At this stage, funding continues through subscriptions and donations of members. It opens the door to donations to Syrian, Arab and foreign individuals and institutions interested in the cause of the Syrian people.

Donations can also be raised and funds secured by cultural, social, artistic and political activities.

Third :

The stage of recognition and international recognition of the bloc:

In this stage, in addition to the above, the establishment of economic projects inside Syria and abroad will be paid to fund the bloc’s plans.

2. Expenditure:

– Good planning to spend expenses and prepare a financial study for any major activity.

– The Finance Committee shall determine the expenses of members (travel expenses, expenses for participation in public or private activities). No member shall be entitled to act alone, even if he wishes to bear the cost without obtaining written approval or by e-mail from the Finance Committee.

Transparency and Integrity:

– The Finance Committee shall record daily revenues and release receipts in the amounts received and send a copy to the subscriber or the donor and keep a copy with the financial officer. At the end of each day, the value of the receipts shall correspond exactly with the recorded value.

– The net amount to be reflected in the balance between expenditure and income must exactly match the amount in the Commission’s fund.

– The Finance Committee shall submit monthly, semi-annual and annual reports to the supervising members of its work and to the Administration on the financial situation and shall attach it to the suggestions necessary to improve the performance.

– Each member of the bloc must ensure that he receives receipts signed by two members of the Finance Committee of the amounts paid and retained for the tax authority and proof of payment.

During the current stage of the bloc, it is appropriate to create a PayPal account in the name of the bloc and link the account with bank cards category (visa or master card) and holders of these cards elected members of the task and the task of receiving funds and payment to those who require it.

This account does not require a license for the block is free and no commission is withdrawn in case of deposit or withdrawal.

To create the account we need to create an e-mail in the name of the conglomerate in English and this requires suggestions, then a vote and then an acknowledgment.

The task of creating, securing and protecting the account will be the responsibility of the IT Committee. Account Content Management, Deposit, Withdrawal and Payment will be a function of the Finance Committee, which will include members who carry the bank cards associated with the account.